VBS 2011

Posted by Chuck on August 9, 2011 under Resources, Teaching | Be the First to Comment

It seems as though I failed to note my VBS choice for 2011.  After looking through a dozen or so VBS kits we opted for Group’s PandaMania!  The five day VBS focused on God’s presence in our lives based upon Psalm 139.  Day 1 is God Made You; Day 2 is God Listens To You; Day 3 is God Watches Over You; Day 4 is God Loves You; Day 5 is God Gives Good Gifts.

The VBS rotates among stations and works well.  The thing that made this VBS different for our teachers is that this is the first VBS we did with groups of kids with mixed ages.  I was skeptical at first, but it worked out really well.  The key is to get the older kids to help the younger ones.  Having mixed ages also affords splitting up some kids who are (for a better lack of words) troublemakers.  It also allows for siblings to be together.
