Positions Listings

Posted by Chuck on December 26, 2008 under Ministry | Be the First to Comment

One of the most difficult things to do is to find a new ministry position.  Well, finding one is easy, but whether or not you like them and they like you is another story.

I compiled this list for myself and shared it with a friend.  It’s a list of sites that have listings for various ministries.  Ministers can also post their desire to relocate on these sites.  Of the sites listed, I like the first three the best.   ACU’s site will also let you post your resume.









It has been my observation that Harding, the Chronicle, and ACU have the most updated lists and are therefore (IMHO) the best sources.

Of course, this same list is also a good place for churches to look for ministers!  Like any minister would tell you, it is always nice when a church acknowledges them and either sends a “denial/no thank you/position filled” letter or a “congratulations/thank you/let’s talk” letter.  It would also be nice if congregations would take down their listings after their positions are filled.

The same is true of ministers “looking” – to at least take themselves off of “looking” lists and to acknowledge congregations that were applied too that they are “no longer interested.”

Communication is the key here folks!  We’re in that business, yet we struggle with effective communication.  Good Bless in everyone’s search!

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